“[M]y dream is a version of the posthuman that embraces the possibilities of... technologies..., that understands human life is embedded in a material world of great complexity, one on which we depend for our continued survival.”
(Hayles, 1999)
Ethnographers occupy a “hybrid reality” (Koirala et al., 2006), act as a “boundary-crosser” (Reed-Danahay, cited in Dyson, 2007, p38), which seemed appropriate for this topic. This is a first step for me in the study of human ecology and sustainable education, requiring me to “immerse [my]self in, living and practicing it as well as studying it” (McIntosh 2008; p30).
Autoethnography allows me to situate myself as the student: what does posthuman responsibility mean to me, how do I learn and how can that lead to positive action.
While my stories will be incorporated into the blog, I have also posted them to the Experience Project (EP), for me, like messages in a bottle sent out into the cyber-ocean.
It’s always good to have an appropriate metaphor (Dyson, 2007), and so each section follows a step in the growth of a flower. This topic has been dormant in me for a long time, now it is ready to germinate.
The Experience Project is proving very useful :( My profile says I've shared two stories, but under my Story tab on my open profile says I haven't shared any. I contacted the Support team two weeks ago and still no joy. Sigh! Oh well...